Five Instagram Advertising Ideas To Use In 2018
With 2 million monthly advertisers and 800 million active users – there is a reason behind why Instagram Advertising has become immensely successful in the past two years. Brands perceive Instagram as a social media platform by which they can engage with existing customers and at the same time, use to get new customers too.
It’s a fact that marketing through this platform is highly competitive, however, if done right – the results are worth the investment made. Two things should be taken into consideration here; creativity and original content. These elements, when used in combination with one another, are the recipe for success.
Following are a handful of great ideas we use to ensure our clients stand out through Instagram Advertising –
1. Specify the Call-To-Action (CTA)
Inducing customers to hasten the buying process is one of the best ways to immediately convert interest to sales. A Call-To-Action can be in the form of a landing page, company website or product page. Ads on Instagram have the option of adding a click-through link which makes specifying the CTA easier and quicker. Further, if you insert colourful photos and put together a concise yet informative description; your ad is bound to capture attention and drive sales.
2. Switch to Video Ads
Though slightly more costly, video ads help put the brand and its value into motion. Instagram Advertising allows you to post up to 30-second video ads that are perfect for getting the message across while keeping the potential customer engaged. In 2017, 25% of Instagram ads were single video ads which also recorded higher engagement and traction rates in comparison to image ads.
3. Promote discounts, offers and contests
There’s no other way to boost sales without the use of discounts, offers and contests. Contests, in fact, are the ideal way to engage with potential customers and build their interest. You can promote limited-period offers or any buy 1 get 1 free scheme; the same prove to be catalysts in driving revenue and growth by way of instant purchases made by customers.
4. Pinpoint the location
It should come as no surprise that location tagging increases engagement per post on Instagram. One of the reasons why this works well is because it reiterates action on part of the customer and adds to their existing brand awareness. This is also why location-wise targeting on Facebook helps generate greater results through creative ad campaigns.
5. Advertise a solution
This works miraculously in the case of clinics, beauty shops, cafes, restaurants etc. The aim here is to identify the need or the problem of the customer scrolling through Instagram; once that is sorted, your job of advertising your solution becomes easier. Further, the customer is likely to take the time to go through your offering and show interest regarding the same.
Instagram advertising is by far, the most effective tool in today’s day and age of digital marketing. It’s perfect for visually promoting your services and reaching out to audiences of different age groups. Go ahead and speak to one of our social media experts today to start your very own Instagram Ad campaign!